Entropy Bound is a full-length comedy by REMAP’s Jeff Burke and Jared J. Stein currently in development, intending to fuse traditional dramaturgy and code. The script is being written to incorporate production-specific choices by producing companies, and to allow these choices to serve as subjects of media that develop over the course of the rehearsal process and run—further directing the actors’ choices with each performance, thus further developing the dramaturgy.
The project is the third of three Google-supported Future Storytelling research projects to take place at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television—the first being Los Atlantis, and the second, Search for Global Song. In December 2018, the initial Entropy Bound script and system-in-progress were workshopped at TFT. Development of the script for production environments is continuing with support from a Hearst Theater Senate Faculty Award for Playwriting.