Since the beginning of the 2013-14 academic year, REMAP researchers and artists have been supporting the work of students in the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT)’s Interactive Digital Media (IDM) concentration. Under the supervision of REMAP’s Fabian Wagmister and Jeff Burke, the students have developed and built interactive installations as their thesis projects, premiering at UCLA and the Interpretive Media Laboratory (IMLab).
Initially called the “Non-Fiction/Digital Media and Interactive Animation” program, the concentration’s first showcase presented five mixed-media pieces at the 2014 UCLA TFT Film Festival. (Descriptions of these capstone projects, created by students as collaborations with REMAP, are available here.)
During the program’s second year (2014-15), the IDM students’ projects were created as prototypes for the new Los Angeles State Historic Park Welcome Pavilion, using REMAP and Open Perception‘s OpenPTrack as the interface for body-based audience interactions. Premiering as a “Sneak Peek” at the 2015 UCLA TFT Film Festival in TFT’s Television Studio #3, the pieces were reinstalled at the Downtown Los Angeles space of IMLab, which holds a full-size mockup of the Pavilion. (Brief descriptions of these projects are available here.)
In 2015-16, the work with OpenPTrack and IMLab continued with RAP HEADS by Patrick Fontenette and FIRST by Emmanuel Ramos Barajas.
Los Angeles—2014-present.